Tooth Colored Fillings

About Us

Composite Fillings:
A Modern Solution for Strong, Natural-Looking Teeth

Real-life strategy to reach your goals.

Tooth-colored fillings, also known as composite fillings, are a modern and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional silver amalgam fillings. Made from a durable composite resin material, these fillings are custom-matched to the natural color of your teeth, making them virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding tooth structure.

Real-life strategy to reach your goals.

The tooth-colored filling process involves carefully removing the decayed or damaged part of the tooth and then precisely applying the composite resin. The material is sculpted and bonded to the tooth, providing a seamless and natural-looking restoration.

The benefits of tooth-colored fillings include:

  1. Aesthetic Appeal: Since they blend seamlessly with your natural tooth color, tooth-colored fillings provide a more attractive and natural appearance compared to silver fillings.
  2. Tooth Preservation: Tooth-colored fillings require the removal of less tooth structure compared to traditional amalgam fillings, preserving more of your natural tooth.
  3. Versatility: Besides treating cavities, tooth-colored fillings can also be used for cosmetic purposes, such as repairing chipped or worn teeth.
  4. Durable and Long-lasting: With proper oral care and regular dental check-ups, tooth-colored fillings can last for many years, providing reliable and effective tooth restoration.

If you need a dental filling or wish to replace old metal fillings with a more natural-looking option, tooth-colored fillings can offer a functional and aesthetically pleasing solution. Our skilled dental team is committed to providing top-quality restorative care, ensuring your smile remains healthy and beautiful. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about tooth-colored fillings and our comprehensive dental services.

Meet Our Dentists

Dr. Erika Purcell



Dr. Gerard Schneider